Bologna station massacre
August 2nd, 1980

On August 2nd, 1980, at 10:25AM a bomb exploded in the waiting room of the Bologna Centrale railway station, in Italy, killing 85 people and injuring over 200.
After the first hypotheses, related to the explosion of a boiler in the kitchens of the station restaurant, it was immediately clear that it was a bomb, which once again hit the democratic and anti-fascist city, after the Italicus train massacre (see
my web page) of August 4th, 1974.
The investigations made clear what was already clear to those who had their eyes open, that is, that the massacre had been carried out by the fascist extreme right wing, as part of the infamous "strategy of tension", which aimed to create terror among the population, pushing it to ask for order and security precisely from the right wing, which with its subversive armed wing had plotted and carried out the massacre.
Numerous cover-ups followed, for which members of the institutions, in particular the secret services, were convicted, and from which the key role of the deviant Masonic lodge P2 of Licio Gelli emerged.
Every year since 1980, on August 2
nd, Bologna commemorates the massacre, with a demonstration that starts from piazza Maggiore, the heart of the city, parades through the city streets, and ends in the square in front of the station, where the association of the victims' families, political authorities and civil society associations speak, to ask for the complete truth about the massacre, which decades later has not yet been reached, probably thanks to the misdirection of those who should have defended the citizens and democracy.
On August 2
nd, two symbols of the massacre parade together with the citizens: the bus of line 37 that in the emergency of the massacre functioned as an ambulance, to transport the wounded to the hospitals, and then to transport the bodies to the morgue, and a mobile crane of the Firemen, to remember the backbreaking work they carried out to recover the wounded and the dead bodies from under the rubble of the station.
The waiting room in which the bomb was left is still running. The gash caused by the explosion on the wall was
left open, closed by a glass window, the crater caused by the bomb on the floor is still visible, under a plaque listing the names of the casualties, indicated as "victims of fascist terrorism", despite the fact that years ago a President of the Italian Republic shamefully attempted to have the reference to fascism removed.
Four years after the massacre at the station, on December 23
rd, 1984, another bomb caused a massacre on the Rapido 904 train, a few kilometers before the Bologna station, killing 16 people and injuring 267. In that case, it is believed that the massacre was carried out by the mafia, who chose Bologna as their target anyway.

I apologize for any error in English translation:
if you want to communicate with me for corrections and/or comments,
write me

page created: January 25th, 2025 and last updated: January 25th, 2025